GDZ metr Без рубрики BSc (hons) Business Studies (through UCIS) Graduated — Bath Spa University College — Великобритания, Высшее образование, Экология и природопользование, Химия и Биологические науки, Теология и Религиоведение, Психология, Педагогика, Мода и Дизайн, Медицина и здравоохранение, Магистратура, История и Археология, Искусство и культурология, Гостиничный бизнес и туризм, Взрослые языковые курсы, Бакалавриат, Английский — Вузы — мультимедиа, религия, страноведение, университеты Англии

BSc (hons) Business Studies (through UCIS) Graduated — Bath Spa University College — Великобритания, Высшее образование, Экология и природопользование, Химия и Биологические науки, Теология и Религиоведение, Психология, Педагогика, Мода и Дизайн, Медицина и здравоохранение, Магистратура, История и Археология, Искусство и культурология, Гостиничный бизнес и туризм, Взрослые языковые курсы, Бакалавриат, Английский — Вузы — мультимедиа, религия, страноведение, университеты Англии

I am lucky I chose Bath Spa University. There is a beautiful environment, fresh air, wonderful tutors, and friendly classmates. Our university is not a large place, but there is a small lake, which is very peaceful. It is a good place to take a break after coursework. I am Chinese, language is my biggest barrier, and I was worried when I came here for the first time. Tutors gave me a lot of help, especially on the UCIS course. For the UCIS course, each module has individual tutors- three hours per week for each, which includes a lead-in and follow-up. In the lead-in class, tutors gave us a brief and clear introduction of each lecture, so before the lecture, we can do some reading which can help us to understand what the lecture is going to talk about, and learn some academic vocabulary which are related to the lecture. In the follow-up class, tutors explain the whole lecture in a clear and detailed way, and we can ask questions about things which we cannot understand during the lecture. Also, during the tutorial, tutors teach us how to do the coursework and help to check the grammar of our essays. During this course, I have learned not only, about the subject but also the skills I can use in the coming academic year. Furthermore, full-time students can work twenty hours per week during the school term, therefore it can help us with the living fee. Also, the school has got a job shop which can help students to get a job. The staff in Job Shop are very nice, they give international students more help s such as telling us how to get a job, which is suitable for us, etc. In addition, if you live on campus, you can apply for the jobs in university so that you do not have to go far.

Bath is a very old and beautiful place, there are lots of museums. If you are a student, and you are interested in it, there is the student discount, which can save your money.

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