GDZ metr Без рубрики Экскурсии от университета — Schiller International University — Германия — Хайдельберг — Германия

Экскурсии от университета — Schiller International University — Германия — Хайдельберг — Германия

Heidelberg is regarded as one of the most beautiful cities in Germany. Its beautiful setting, the harmonious ensemble of castle, old town and the river in the midst of hills, attracts people from all over the world. The presence of the more than 600 year old University of Heidelberg creates a congenial atmosphere in which students quickly feel at home. Heidelberg hosts students from all over the world and is involved with a variety of multinational companies and trade centers both regionally and internationally. The ruins of the Heidelberg castle rank with the Acropolis and the palace of Versailles as the sights most worth seeing anywhere in Europe. The number of visitors is estimated at more than 3 million every year. Numerous poets such as Scheffel, von Brentano, Arnim, Görres, Hölderlin, Eichendorff, and Jean Paul have transposed Heidelberg into the Romantic City that it is today.

An hour\’s ride from Franfurt, the financial center of Germany, Heidelberg is the home of Germany\’s oldest university. Situated in the valley of the Neckar River between forested mountains and the Rhine plain, Heidelberg\’s beauty is matched by its significance as a center of scientific research and modern high-tech industrial firms. Additionally, the town offers a wide variety of entertainment in the form of concerts, theater, films and other cultural offerings.

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