GDZ metr Без рубрики Eurocentres NZ — Tour — Eurocentres Auckland — Новая Зеландия, Язык и стажировка, Детские языковые курсы, Английский

Eurocentres NZ — Tour — Eurocentres Auckland — Новая Зеландия, Язык и стажировка, Детские языковые курсы, Английский

Eurocentres has a history of over 60 years of academic excellence. There are 30 Eurocentres schools around the world. Eurocentres Auckland is located in the city centre of Auckland, New Zealand. It is surrounded by beautiful beaches and exciting bars and restaurants. Come and study at Eurocentres Auckland to experience the lively, multicultural atmosphere of the City of Sails. Learn English in Auckland city centre. We have all the facilities you need to improve your language skills.

Eurocentres Auckland is located at Level 7, 155 Queen Street — the shopping, business and entertainment centre of Auckland. Shopping centres, movie theatres, restaurants and cafes are all within a few hundred metres of Eurocentres Auckland.

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