GDZ metr Без рубрики MA Design: Brand Development — Bath Spa University College — Великобритания, Высшее образование, Экология и природопользование, Химия и Биологические науки, Теология и Религиоведение, Психология, Педагогика, Мода и Дизайн, Медицина и здравоохранение, Магистратура, История и Археология, Искусство и культурология, Гостиничный бизнес и туризм, Взрослые языковые курсы, Бакалавриат, Английский — Вузы — мультимедиа, религия, страноведение, университеты Англии

MA Design: Brand Development — Bath Spa University College — Великобритания, Высшее образование, Экология и природопользование, Химия и Биологические науки, Теология и Религиоведение, Психология, Педагогика, Мода и Дизайн, Медицина и здравоохранение, Магистратура, История и Археология, Искусство и культурология, Гостиничный бизнес и туризм, Взрослые языковые курсы, Бакалавриат, Английский — Вузы — мультимедиа, религия, страноведение, университеты Англии

I lived and studied in Sydney, Australia before coming to study in the UK because I have always been interested in the British culture and literature, and wanted to live in Europe for some time in my life. Having studied abroad in Lancaster University in 2005 for a year, I found the university life in England a great fun and truly enjoyable. Unlike Australia, British universities are more of a close community as students all live very close to each other and it is very easy to make friends. I have, therefore, decided to pursue my postgraduate studying in the UK. I chose Bath because it is such a beautiful and peaceful place with gorgeous architecture. I study in Sion Hill campus of Bath Spa University which is the school of Art and Design. It is a fairly small campus with beautiful surroundings and very friendly atmosphere. My course is focused on branding and how design can help to build a successful brand. It is very vocational; we have to do a lot of creative and strategic thinking and present out work in most weeks, which really helped me with my presentation and public speaking skills. We have a small group on the course, about 6 people in total, which makes the course very tailored to my own needs. I get along with people on my course very well and go out for meals and drinks with them after classes regularly. The school also has a room especially for postgraduate students like us to socialise and relax between classes. In addition, Bath Spa University provides a great level of support for international students. The international office organises free trips to London and other events for

international students on a regular basis and offers any help needed by international students in such an efficient way. Studying in Bath is one of the most memorable experiences in my life and I would recommend it to anyone without hesitation.

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