GDZ metr Без рубрики MA Writing for Young People — Bath Spa University College — Великобритания, Высшее образование, Экология и природопользование, Химия и Биологические науки, Теология и Религиоведение, Психология, Педагогика, Мода и Дизайн, Медицина и здравоохранение, Магистратура, История и Археология, Искусство и культурология, Гостиничный бизнес и туризм, Взрослые языковые курсы, Бакалавриат, Английский — Вузы — мультимедиа, религия, страноведение, университеты Англии

MA Writing for Young People — Bath Spa University College — Великобритания, Высшее образование, Экология и природопользование, Химия и Биологические науки, Теология и Религиоведение, Психология, Педагогика, Мода и Дизайн, Медицина и здравоохранение, Магистратура, История и Археология, Искусство и культурология, Гостиничный бизнес и туризм, Взрослые языковые курсы, Бакалавриат, Английский — Вузы — мультимедиа, религия, страноведение, университеты Англии

When I first started thinking about getting a Master’s degree in creative writing, I knew I wanted the experience of going somewhere outside of the US to get it. I didn’t know of many foreign universities so I did as most people do today: I searched Google. I found that not only did Bath Spa have an MA degree in creative writing, but they also had an MA specifically in Writing for Young People. Doing a little more research, I quickly realized that this was where I wanted to study. The course itself has been everything I expected. The classes are small so there is a lot of individual attention to improve my writing. Besides workshops, there are modules that work on the different genres of children’s writing and getting an inside view on the publishing world. I appreciate what I am learning and am very happy with my choice. Part of my choice in coming here was based on the breathtaking landscape that surrounds the Newton Park campus. Coming from Santa Fe, which is a mountainous desert in various shades of brown, I fell in love with the rolling green hills and wooded walk by the lake. I feel inspired to write whenever I explore the campus grounds. Even after being here almost a year, I am still amazed by the beauty. The countryside around Bath in general is absolutely lovely, whether you appreciate it by bus or train, or on foot. I was lucky to travel around the surrounding area by car—with me driving! Always having been fascinated with driving, it was one of my goals when I came here to drive on the left side of the road. A few months ago, I hired a car and was on my way. It was absolutely thrilling: exciting and nerve wrecking at the same time. The pedals are thankfully in the same position and the gears are in the same format, but there was that bit of having to switch gears with my left hand instead of my right. The part that I actually found the hardest was not having any sense of width of the car on the left side. My housemate had to keep reminding me to get closer to the curb; then I jumped the curb into a roundabout! Nothing happened, but I doubt my housemate will ever get in a car with me again. I, on the other hand, look forward to my next British adventure. Regardless of where you come from, what courses you take, or which activities you take part in, studying aboard is an adventure. While here, you have to keep an open mind. Things are going to be different than what you are familiar with: people are going to behave in various manners that you are not used to and the educational system is not going to be the same. It’s important to understand that it is all part of the experience of studying in a

new country. For me, the differences are the best parts of being an international student. I love having the opportunity to take in the country’s cultural diversity, to learn by different methods of teaching, and most of all getting a new perspective of the world.

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