GDZ metr Без рубрики Massey High School — юбилей — Massey High School — Вайтакере — Новая Зеландия

Massey High School — юбилей — Massey High School — Вайтакере — Новая Зеландия

Our scholastic record is excellent and we are equally proud of our outstanding sports record, musicians, artists, actors and Maori, Pacific Island and Asian cultural groups. The majority of our students move on to tertiary education, mainly at Universities or Polytechnic Institutes.

This is the essence of Massey High School. We encourage and support our students to experience a range of activities. It is a wonderful thing to develop the strengths of all students and then foster a real will to use those strengths in the pursuit of excellence for the benefit of the school, themselves and their community.

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Основан в 1898 году. Расположен в De Pere (20000 человек), штат Висконсин. Умеренные климатические условия, 4 сезона. Ближайший аэропорт: Чикаго, Миннеаполис. Количество студентов: 2100 человек. Проживание: общежития для девушек, совместные.