GDZ metr Без рубрики Общественная жизнь школы — Leman Manhattan Preparatory School — Нью-Йорк — США

Общественная жизнь школы — Leman Manhattan Preparatory School — Нью-Йорк — США

The face of Claremont Prep was altered early yesterday morning—Monday, October 3—when the school officially changed its name to Léman Manhattan Preparatory School. Around 9am, the school gathered in their Ballroom to hear words from Head of School Drew Alexander and meet guests form Léman sister schools in Switzerland and China. Then, several 4th grade students gave a presentation on how the former Claremont Prep uniforms were being donated to a school in Africa through a program called The US-Africa Children’s Fellowship. Following this, the ceremony moved outside where the old Claremont flag was taken down and replaced with the new Léman Manhattan insignia. Along with the new name and headmaster, the school will also be borrowing a number of new educational practices from the College du Léman boarding school in Switzerland. The New York school will become a partner with the nine other schools in the Meritas organization. The partnership works to educate 11,500 students living in Europe, Asia, Latin America, and North America.

The school formerly known as Claremont, a private institution of 500 students from grades pre-k to 12 on two campuses in the financial district, already based itself on principals of independent thinking and competent decision.

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