GDZ metr Без рубрики Прогулки по городу — Auckland English Academy — Окленд — Новая Зеланлия

Прогулки по городу — Auckland English Academy — Окленд — Новая Зеланлия

Auckland English Academy is a high-quality, progressive English language school with an innovative teaching philosophy. We have a staff of enthusiastic, professional teachers, a lively atmosphere and a range of specialised, progress-oriented English-language programmes. With our partner, ICL Business School, we offer a range of English and degree-level academic programmes in Auckland, New Zealand’s largest and most cosmopolitan city.

While studying at Auckland English Academy, students experience the many benefits of learning English within the unique environment of contemporary New Zealand society. We teach them English for life, and equip them with the English-language skills they need to become international people with excellent communication skills. The curriculum is based on authentic English with real-life source materials such as video, radio and internet. One of our main goals is for students to achieve maximum progress in minimum time. This makes our school a great choice for students who wish to combine English-language study with recreational, cultural, educational, travel or work experiences. Students can also take advantage of our homestay service, student amenities, and the many attractions that Auckland and its beautiful surroundings have to offer.

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