GDZ metr Без рубрики Развлечения в Auckland English Academy — Auckland English Academy — Окленд — Новая Зеландия

Развлечения в Auckland English Academy — Auckland English Academy — Окленд — Новая Зеландия

Auckland English Academy was established in 1988 and is registered with the New Zealand Qualifications Authority, is a signatory to the Ministry of Education’s Code of Practice for International Students and is a member of English New Zealand.

The city school is located in the heart of Auckland\’s central business district and welcomes students from 16 years of age. You will be within walking distance of most of Auckland\’s downtown attractions including the Sky Tower, America\’s Cup Viaduct Basin, the Auckland City Art Gallery, Albert Park and the Civic Theatre/Imax movie complex. Shopping, restaurants and university campuses are only minutes away from the school. The new multi-media centre is excellent for students who wish to use interactive educational software programmes for pronunciation and English language skills, watch dvd movies or check out a range of English language education and special interest websites. Special programmes at the Queen Street school include english@work for working holiday visa holders, and the popular TESOL English instructor programme for those who are interested to learn how to teach English to children.

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