GDZ metr Без рубрики SKOLA Schools в Лондоне — SKOLA Schools — Великобритания, Язык и стажировка, Подготовка к поступлению, Общая языковая программа, Детские языковые курсы, Взрослые языковые курсы, Английский

SKOLA Schools в Лондоне — SKOLA Schools — Великобритания, Язык и стажировка, Подготовка к поступлению, Общая языковая программа, Детские языковые курсы, Взрослые языковые курсы, Английский

SKOLA has been at the forefront of education in English for over 40 years and our goal is to provide the highest possible quality tuition to our international body of students. Our values are rooted in celebrating diversity and the wide variety of educational opportunities this affords within a structured, caring and environmentally literate framework. Our English Language offer ranges from 3 year olds to adults, in London, Exeter and Bawdsey. For children, our year round academic courses and English for Education (summer) courses are designed to enable students to enter the full curriculum here in the UK by teaching English through academic subjects. Our adult courses can be linked with work experience programmes as well as improving your English for general, academic or business needs.

Popular summer schools with English tuition are available for all ages. All courses are run subject to demand.

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