GDZ metr Без рубрики Technische Universität München — Technische Universität München — Технический университет Мюнхена — Германия, Химия и Биологические науки, Физика и математика, Технические науки и Инженерия, Сельское хоз-во и Лесоводство, Медицина и здравоохранение, Информатика, Компьютер, Электроника, Бизнес, Финансы, Экономика, Менеджмент, Архитектура и Строительство, Немецкий

Technische Universität München — Technische Universität München — Технический университет Мюнхена — Германия, Химия и Биологические науки, Физика и математика, Технические науки и Инженерия, Сельское хоз-во и Лесоводство, Медицина и здравоохранение, Информатика, Компьютер, Электроника, Бизнес, Финансы, Экономика, Менеджмент, Архитектура и Строительство, Немецкий

TUM is one of the leading universities in Germany. TUM’s top performances in research and education, interdisciplinary studies, and talent promotion stand out. Strong alliances with businesses and scientific institutions across the world play a part in this. TUM cooperates with academic institutions worldwide. Students participate in study abroad programs with more than 150 international partner universities. For the most part, TUM selects its own students; the deciding factors are aptitude and talent. After studying, many graduates maintain contact with their alma mater. The international alumni network connects students and alumni, professors, and sponsors. The fundraising TUM Foundation was established in 2010. It supports TUM in science and research, education and training, international understanding, civic engagement, and arts and culture. TUM graduates are a step ahead of their competition. The TUM Career Service supports students in the job application process, career entry, and in all facets of their professional life at home and abroad.

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