GDZ metr Без рубрики Universitaet Kassel — университет — Universitaet Kassel — Кассель — Германия

Universitaet Kassel — университет — Universitaet Kassel — Кассель — Германия

The University of Kassel is an internationally oriented university situated in the heart of Germany. We are part of an academic network with more than 100 partner institutions from all over the world. The International Office will help international scholars: — arrange research contacts within the University of Kassel — find accommodation — co-ordinate the settlement of scholarship instalments by the DAAD and the Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung (AvH) for short stays at the University of Kassel that do not exceed three months.

It is possible to rent a notebook with international software during your stay at the University of Kassel. Also, we offer an extensive programme of cultural and social events for our visiting scholars. The web pages of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation contain a lot of useful information for visiting scholars in Germany. Further information is available from the International Office. Please, do not forget to send the announcement on your planned stay at the University of Kassel.

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