GDZ metr Без рубрики University of Hawai — округа — The University of Hawai'i — Гавайский университет — Гонолулу — США

University of Hawai — округа — The University of Hawai'i — Гавайский университет — Гонолулу — США

At the crossroads of the Pacific, the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (UHM) plays a key role in responding to the needs of Hawai‘i, the nation, and a contemporary world experiencing dynamic changes. Located in Honolulu\’s verdant Mānoa Valley, it is the flagship campus of the state\’s ten-campus university system. UH Mānoa is a renowned center for research and advanced graduate and professional studies. It offers excellence in its wide-ranging undergraduate programs and is fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.

The UHM Outreach College\’s Summer Sessions annually attract students, professionals, and faculty from around the world, in part, because it is renowned for its Asian and Pacific Studies curricula. Drawn from these fields, academic offerings are an integral part of the more than 1,200 undergraduate and graduate classes ranging from Accounting to Women\’s Studies. These are not the only reasons, however. Special institutes and a diverse array of non-credit classes enliven the UHM summer campus. Open to the public, these performances, special events, and free lecture series feature extraordinary scholars and artists from Hawai‘i and around the world.

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