GDZ metr Без рубрики Видео — Motueka High School — Новая Зеланлия, Частные школы, История и Археология, Физика и математика, Физкультура и спорт, Философия и Религия, Химия и Биологические науки, Язык и стажировка, Языки и литература, Английский — Среднее образование в Новой Зеландии, школы, средние школы — общие

Видео — Motueka High School — Новая Зеланлия, Частные школы, История и Археология, Физика и математика, Физкультура и спорт, Философия и Религия, Химия и Биологические науки, Язык и стажировка, Языки и литература, Английский — Среднее образование в Новой Зеландии, школы, средние школы — общие

Motueka High School awards a range of scholarships each year, including 5 x $10,000 Kina Beach Scholarships generously donated by the estate of Muriel Sterling. A short description of scholarships available is listed below. Further details can be found on the scholarships board in the student foyer. Our NCEA results are significantly above the national averages. We have some of the top students in the region in their given subjects. We offer a wide range of course to cater for the needs of as many students as possible. Our former students are achieving at universities, polytechnics and in the work place. It is important to us that each student achieves and acquires the skills to be able to do what they want with their lives and to become good citizens.

There is a wide range of opportunities for students to make a difference and to demonstrate leaderhsip. Leadership development is a major strength of this school and we actively nurture the potential in individuals. There are 20 designated Captains or Head Student roles in Year 13, and many more opportunities to lead and participate in other groups and forums that are open to all.

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