GDZ metr Без рубрики Видео — St. Clare's — Великобритания, Языковые курсы для взрослых, Иностранный язык на каникулах (языковой лагерь), Язык и стажировка, Языки и литература, Детские языковые курсы, Английский — Курсы немецкого в Англии, колледжи Англии, образование среднее для школьников

Видео — St. Clare's — Великобритания, Языковые курсы для взрослых, Иностранный язык на каникулах (языковой лагерь), Язык и стажировка, Языки и литература, Детские языковые курсы, Английский — Курсы немецкого в Англии, колледжи Англии, образование среднее для школьников

St. Clare\’s, Oxford is unique. It offers students from all over the world the opportunity to pursue a first class education in Oxford, one of the most vibrant and interesting cities in Europe. St. Clare\’s, Oxford was founded in 1953 with a mission to advance international education and understanding and has been doing so successfully ever since. St. Clare\’s welcomes students and staff of all nationalities and cultures who will benefit from, and contribute to our learning community. By living and studying together, we learn from one another and are enriched and challenged by a diversity of views and ideas. about us St. Clare\’s, Oxford is unique. It offers students from all over the world the opportunity to pursue a first class education in Oxford, one of the most vibrant and interesting cities in Europe. St. Clare\’s, Oxford was founded in 1953 with a mission to advance international education and understanding and has been doing so successfully ever since. St. Clare\’s welcomes students and staff of all nationalities and cultures who will benefit from, and contribute to our learning community. By living and studying together, we learn from one another and are enriched and challenged by a diversity of views and ideas. The College aims to provide an environment where students and staff: develop their intellects, their imagination and independence of mind engage in creative, aesthetic and physical activities learn from, and contribute to our local community develop a sense of environmental awareness and responsibility to the international community value honesty, compassion and intercultural understanding take personal responsibility for work and conduct

As you walk through the College campus, you will hear languages being spoken from all over the world. We welcome applications from students irrespective of gender, race, colour, religious belief or national origin. We are proud of the diversity of our student body and the impact it has on the culture and life of the College.

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