GDZ metr Без рубрики Видео — University of Auckland — Новая Зеландия, Высшее образование, Музыка, Медицина и здравоохранение, Искусство и культурология, Бизнес, Финансы, Экономика, Менеджмент, Английский — получить высшее образование в Новой Зеландии — поступить в университет в Новой Зеландии — антропология — университеты

Видео — University of Auckland — Новая Зеландия, Высшее образование, Музыка, Медицина и здравоохранение, Искусство и культурология, Бизнес, Финансы, Экономика, Менеджмент, Английский — получить высшее образование в Новой Зеландии — поступить в университет в Новой Зеландии — антропология — университеты

The Vice-Chancellor is the head of the University. He is its chief academic and administrative officer and the employer of all staff. He is an ex-officio member of the University’s Council and he chairs Senate. The University\’s governing body is the Council. It comprises lay, staff and student members and is chaired by the University’s Chancellor. Council controls the affairs, concerns and property of the University. It is authorised by legislation to act in the ways best calculated to promote the interests of the University.

On academic matters the Council is required to seek the advice of the Senate, which the Vice-Chancellor chairs. This body includes all the professors, as well as representatives of sub-professorial staff and students. The Senate takes advice from a range of committees such as Research, Education, Academic Programmes, and Library committees. It also takes advice from the faculties.

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