GDZ metr Без рубрики Занятия в Junior and Teen Camp — Junior and Teen Camp — Флимс-Лаакс — Швейцария

Занятия в Junior and Teen Camp — Junior and Teen Camp — Флимс-Лаакс — Швейцария

Located in the Swiss mountains, the idyllic village Flims-Laax is host to the Junior and Teen Camp, a luxurious journey for 7 — 16 year old children, throughout summer. 5 times per week the students are tutored in English, French, German and / or Spanish two hours each.

In the afternoon there are plenty of activities to choose from such as soccer, hockey, climbing, athletics, biking, swimming or rafting as well as horseback riding, martial arts, etc. Artistically talented children are offered the possibility of showing their works during social evenings.

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