GDZ metr Без рубрики Здание института AIS St Helens — AIS St Helens — Окленд — Новая Зеланлия

Здание института AIS St Helens — AIS St Helens — Окленд — Новая Зеланлия

Students and staff come from all over the world to study and teach at AIS St Helens. Our programmes are focused on the global marketplace and many of our students find work offshore after graduation. Due to the mix of cultures at AIS St Helens, students gain unique opportunities to learn, not only from books and lecturers, but also from their classmates. Many cross-cultural friendships and business ventures have developed within the AIS St Helens family. Students may choose to take International Business courses, Tourism Management courses or Arts courses, as part of their main degree or diploma programme, to meet their individual career aspirations. For example, a Bachelor of International Business student may undertake studies in Tourism to gain a better understanding of the services sector.

Our dedicated teaching staff enjoy personal contact with students and class numbers are kept low to maintain quality standards. Typically there are between 10 and 60 students in first-year degree classes. Compare this to classes of over 300 elsewhere. As a result, our students receive more personal attention and are more able to maximise their potential at AIS St Helens.

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