GDZ metr Без рубрики Здание университета зимой — University of Saskatchewan — Саскатун — Канада

Здание университета зимой — University of Saskatchewan — Саскатун — Канада

The University of Saskatchewan (U of S) is a major research-intensive university, featuring Canada\’s most extensive health-science complex, which includes medical, nursing, veterinary, dental and pharmacy colleges. We are ranked among the top ten of Canada’s best universities. Located in a picturesque river-side prairie landscape, our main campus is home to world-class research installations and infrastructure, such the Canadian Light Source (CLS) – Canada’s only synchrotron – the International Vaccine Centre (InterVac) – one of the world’s most advanced Containment Level 3 teaching and research facilities – and the STOR-M Tokamak reactor, Canada’s only device devoted to magnetic fusion. Here, among these state-of-the-art facilities, our students experience an innovative and dynamic education.

We offer 57 undergraduate and graduate degrees and certificates across 200 fields of study, with specific academic and research strengths in six areas: Aboriginal peoples, agriculture and food, energy and mineral resources, synchrotron sciences, water security, and human and other living systems. At the U of S, we work together to make ground-breaking discoveries that will change Canada and the world.

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